30 November, 2013

1-3-6 sales: More about info-type selling

We have talked about the benefits of being info-type salesman

A quote "Anyone can build a better camera. So don't invest in building a better one, invest in building better photographers and people will buy more cameras from you"

This is about how to make your prospect customers smarter and better

-         People are paying you money, so they expect the most valuable thing in exchange for their money
-         People value information way more than you think, especially regarding what they don't know about
-         People want to know about what they are paying for, want to know the difference between this and that, why choosing you not the competitor, why this offer not the other one, why this product is more expensive than the others …… etc.

-         Educating people about what they want to know won't take you much time or effort but that would be a great add-value to the customers and that will add to the value form they are paying for. And that will raise the chance of closing the deal to the sky 
-         Consider it a normal conversation before getting to the question/decision of buying, that will make the customers feel that they are making the decision not you (again: to buy not to be sold to) 
-         Selling will just be a justification of why "you" would choose this over that

-         Always give education, seminars, infographics, brochures, trainings to make your customers better ones
-         Also you will notice that these kind of conversations will help you earn A LOT about your customers and knowing what they want exactly

The best compliment you will get from that is when people totally depend on you in what you are experienced; they will refer people to you in return :) 

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