13 January, 2014

2-1-8 the human mind: Conflict

When 2 control systems with different and opposing reference levels try to take over a perception (a variable) …. Conflict happens

-          For example; I have work to do, but I am very tired and want to sleep, watch TV ….etc.
-          That conflict causes a lot of stress within you and trying to accomplish one of the 2 things won't make you any less stressed, comforted unless you resolve that conflict first

For the conflict to be resolved you need to go through 3 levels:
1-     Expression of the conflict: the ability to understand the conflict very well without any tweaks or complications
-          I have a project to do vs. I am very tired
2-     The goal of the conflict: what the 2 systems trying to do
-          Get the job done vs. sleep- rest
3-     The situation of the conflict: how this conflict happened- understanding the cause of the conflict
-          I have been stressing myself through work for the last couple of days till I got very tired and bored of work
Getting to understand the cause of the conflict will make you resolve the conflict and choose which system will take over the job to change the conflict to its favor= to its reference level 

So, for any conflict: describe it, know your goals, understand the why…. and decide what to do

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