When we were
cavemen and we are faced with a death threat, our bodies instantly enter the
"Threat Lock-down" mode. Our bodies prepare to:
What do we
choose; we make a very fast mental simulation and what expectation has the most
chances to do. If we can overcome the threat we fight. If we can save our lives
by outrunning the threat, we flee. If neither one is possible we freeze in the
hope that the threat won't notice us
That is what our bodies ate
toned to do for hundred thousands of years and unfortunately till now
The threat nature has changed
a lot nowadays: now it is 99.99% of the time not a life-or-death issue, and it
lasts looonger than the old threats (chronic vs, acute)
So the threats nowadays are
not threats in the literal way and should not be treated the same way
As we can't now fight of run away from the
threats in our lives, the only thing our minds are accustomed to is to FREEZE
And freezing is the worst thing to do in today
problems. It just prevents us from start solving the threat in a rational,
logical, high-brain way
Unfortunately, we are toned to
Deliver our control units to
our mid-brains when we are faced with threats
Stay focused on the threat
instead of the solution as long as the that fake threat exists
What we need to do:
Know that if isn't a matter of
life-or-death then it is not a threat
Detach ourselves form
immersing into the experience and don't shift our controls from the high brain
to the mid-brain
Solve the threat: mainly by
Eliminate the threat: you will
need this option very rarely and this leads to life-decisions and huge life
structural changes
Deal with it as a normal
stress thing (perceptual control): that you have been out of your comfort zone
and you need to fix this
Describe the problem
Know the goal
Understand the why
Take decision\s
Note; see what I am trying to do here, REINTERPRETATION; giving you info,
filling some planks and trying to make you reinterpret the profound experience
in you and trying to look at it in a different way. Hope this works (Y) :)
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