Continuing with the clanning concept:
groups have a natural tendency to become more alike & less like other
groups over time
There is a very honest and true quote
(it changes my life after I heard it):
You are the
average of the five people you spend most of your time with
What is the reason behind that?
Through communicating with the people you spend your time with, they are
influencing you and vice versa till you all come to an average over time
That phenomenon happen all the time
across all levels; the friends zone to the races and ethnicities scopes
Considering businesses point of view;
companies tend to have "cultures"; you hear all the time about a
specific "type" of persons who work in a specific company, they
became so alike that you can distinguish a google employee from a Microsoft or
apple or Samsung or …… employee
So be very aware of what groups you
belong to, who you spend most of your time with …. And pay careful attention to
who you are becoming more alike and who you are becoming less alike
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